Xperia Z Joins Its Sibling In the AOSP Mix

Xperia Z Joins Its Sibling In the AOSP Mix

The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is Google giving the entire community (manufacturers, enthusiasts, developers, etc.)  the necessary building blocks to bring what many refer to as "stock Android" (more accurately "vanilla Android") to a device. The inherent problem with this is that the manufacturers are often the roadblock to such endeavors. Too often manufacturers (like HTC, Samsung, etc.) and suppliers (like Qualcomm) all claim that they can't release certain drivers, and label them as "proprietary" so that no one can use them. Of course, since there's nothing really "new" under the sun, this just serves to hinder innovation and development. And often times manufacturers will claim it's the suppliers who are really hindering things, but who is it that chooses the suppliers? I'll let the obvious rhetorical question be obvious.

In this mix, it's refreshing to see a mainstream company attempt to shuck all of these trends and actually release the AOSP source for a device, with the Xperia S being the first non-Nexus device to be included in the AOSP device tree. This experiment ended on a positive note, with Sony moving the source for the Xperia S into their own managed GitHub repository. But Sony hasn't stopped there.

While companies like Samsung, which used to be rather developer-friendly, now moving away from being open to the community, Sony instead is welcoming them with open arms. Their latest flagship device, the Xperia Z, has joined the Xperia S with having its AOSP source files available on their GitHub. They even posted a lot of information over on their Developer World blog, listing SD Card, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, LED light, and sensors working (partially), and they state plans to include NFC in the future. They also have a link to the proprietary Qualcomm binaries needed in order for this to work. You can see the video below, and visit their blog post for more information.

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