Microsoft isn't doing right job...

I paid a visit to a Apple store on 3/16 to experience the new iPad. And I found there wasn't too much difference and innovation there. It got heavier and thicker for the higher resolution. I don't appreciate the higher resolution now because most of the apps do not support this resolution, they looked awful. There are still blurred icon there including the system UI. Can't imagine it before Jobs' leave.

Things may change when time flows. There would be more and more app support it in the future. One tip, you shouldn't buy 16GB version anymore, the app grows a lot in size in such resolution. 16GB won't be enough.

Anyway, the intention of this post is complaining about MS. When I visited Apple store, I also visit Microsoft store. I can feel they are desperate. A girl in the front door to pass free T-shirt which shows "I'm a PC" and I got one too. And another Latino was promoting a "call for duty" game tournament. As far as I can tell, only very few people were interested. And there was a DJ-like host want to make this place nosier, none one care about him. I felt embarrassed for him.

There is a huge place for demo phones and ultrabooks. It's completely vacant there. No one pay any attention to that area at all and it's the most popular mall in the silicon valley. It's not so difficult to understand, you won't buy any of that computer in Microsoft store. You can easily compare the spec among hundreds models of laptops in the Internet and purchase them in Amazon for much better bargain. They're just wasting the space and their money.




Google Phone跟iPhone的比較!?
